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Breaking News: Bitcoin Market Journal Shares Secret to Superior Investing Results

In a world filled with crypto hype and get-rich-quick schemes, Bitcoin Market Journal stands out by sharing its investing results with the public. Since 2018, the site has been reporting quarterly on the performance of its Blockchain Believers Portfolio, comparing it with non-believers who do not hold crypto.

What sets Bitcoin Market Journal apart is its focus on long-term value investing rather than short-term trading. While others promise quick riches, the site advocates for getting rich slowly through a careful and responsible approach.

So, what is the secret to Bitcoin Market Journal’s superior results? It all comes down to applying the principles of value investing to the world of crypto. By thinking like an owner, rigorously analyzing investments, finding assets on sale, avoiding losses, and thinking long-term, the site has been able to outperform traditional stock market investors over the last five years.

The site’s approach, which they call the “Middle Way,” advocates for a balanced investment strategy that includes both traditional assets like stocks and bonds, as well as a small percentage in crypto. This approach has allowed them to harness the explosive growth of crypto while minimizing risk.

While others may dismiss crypto or go all-in, Bitcoin Market Journal’s careful and responsible approach has proven to be successful. As the results speak for themselves, it’s clear that their unique approach to investing is worth paying attention to.

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