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Oslo Freedom Forum Observes Rising Global Support for Bitcoin and Activism

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Bitcoin Advocates from Around the World Gather at Oslo Freedom Forum to Discuss Financial Freedom

Bitcoin enthusiasts from Kenya to Canada to Russia came together at the 2024 Oslo Freedom Forum to discuss how Bitcoin can be a tool for those in need around the world. The Financial Freedom Track event featured a lineup of speakers who shared their insights on the importance of Bitcoin in a human rights context.

Alex Gladstein, Chief Strategy Officer for the Human Rights Foundation (HRF), opened the event by emphasizing the significance of Bitcoin in promoting financial freedom. He was followed by Lyn Alden, a macroeconomic analyst, who highlighted how Bitcoin provides access to a free and open financial system for individuals worldwide.

Hadiya Masieh, founder of the Groundswell Project, discussed how Bitcoin can be used to fund counter-terrorism efforts, while Noble Nyangoma, CEO of the Bitcoin Innovation Hub, shared her work with refugees in Uganda who rely on Bitcoin for financial transactions.

Farida Nabourema, a Togolese activist, shared a personal story illustrating the challenges of using different currencies in Africa and how Bitcoin can help create a more unified financial system on the continent.

Throughout the day, speakers like Lorraine Marcel of Bitcoin DADA and Calle, creator of the Cashu protocol, highlighted practical ways to use Bitcoin for privacy and activism. The event also featured discussions on the importance of privacy tools for Bitcoin donations and the potential impact of central bank digital currencies on democracy.

The day concluded with a fireside chat between Jack Mallers, founder of Strike, and Matt Odell, Managing Partner at Ten31, emphasizing the importance of supporting open-source developers in the Bitcoin community.

Overall, the event showcased the diverse ways in which Bitcoin can empower individuals and communities around the world to achieve financial independence and promote human rights.

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