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Observing the Northern Lights This Weekend: A Guide

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Get ready to look up at the sky on Saturday night, as another stunning display of nature may be in store for those lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights.

Thanks to an unusual amount of solar flare activity, the aurora borealis could continue to light up the night sky over the weekend. The solar storm, which reached a level 5 on Friday, has already given some star gazers a clear view of streaks of green, purple, and red dancing across the heavens.

According to Mike Bettwy, the operations chief of the Space Weather Prediction Center, the conditions are expected to remain favorable for viewing the aurora on Saturday night. He mentioned that Sunday night might even offer a better chance to witness the spectacle.

However, the visibility of the aurora borealis will depend on your location and weather conditions. Areas with clear skies will have the best chance of seeing the lights, while places with bright city lights or cloudy weather may miss out on the show.

Weather forecaster Bryan Jackson warned that two weather systems on Saturday night could affect the viewing of the solar display. The Northeast United States may experience overcast skies, while the Southwest could see rain and cloud coverage.

Despite the potential weather challenges, regions like Michigan, Seattle, and parts of the southern Rockies and Plains may still have clear views of the aurora borealis. The lights were particularly brilliant over England on Friday, captivating onlookers in parts of Maine and Massachusetts.

If you find yourself in a clear area, consider capturing the beauty of the aurora borealis with your cellphone camera. The sensor on your phone may pick up wavelengths produced by the lights that are not visible to the naked eye.

The solar storm causing the aurora borealis is a significant event, with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issuing a rare warning about potential electrical outages and interference with navigation and communication systems.

So, keep an eye on the skies this weekend and be prepared for a mesmerizing show of the aurora borealis, if weather conditions allow.

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