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New Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles to be Announced by U.S.

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The Biden administration is gearing up to announce new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles and other goods, with rates as high as 100 percent, in an effort to protect American manufacturing and combat China’s dominance in the clean energy market.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the administration is set to unveil the new tariffs as early as next week, targeting Chinese electric vehicles, semiconductors, and other products that have been flooding global markets at competitive prices.

The move comes after concerns that China’s aggressive trade practices could undermine President Biden’s efforts to boost domestic manufacturing of clean energy products. The administration is looking to level the playing field by imposing tariffs on Chinese goods that have been heavily subsidized and undercutting American producers.

Specifically, the administration plans to raise tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles from the current 25 percent to as much as 100 percent, making it financially unfeasible to import these vehicles. President Biden has previously expressed concerns about the national security risks posed by internet-connected Chinese cars and trucks, citing the potential for sensitive information to be sent to Beijing.

The decision to impose new tariffs has been met with mixed reactions within the White House, with economic and political advisers debating the best course of action. However, with China ramping up production of electric vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar panels, the administration is moving forward with more aggressive trade restrictions to protect American interests.

The planned tariffs are expected to also target semiconductors, a key component in various industries, including electric vehicles and technology. The administration is looking to bolster domestic production of semiconductors and reduce reliance on Chinese imports.

Some Democrats, including Senator Sherrod Brown, have been pushing for even stricter measures to protect American industries, calling for a ban on Chinese electric vehicles in the U.S. President Biden has indicated that he is open to further actions to ensure fair competition in the global market.

The announcement of the new tariffs is likely to escalate tensions between the U.S. and China, with Beijing criticizing the move as a violation of World Trade Organization rules. However, the Biden administration is determined to protect American manufacturing and ensure a level playing field for domestic producers.

Overall, the new tariffs signal a shift in the administration’s trade policy towards China, as President Biden seeks to prioritize American interests and competitiveness in the global market.

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