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Israeli Military Announces Daytime Pause in Fighting for Humanitarian Aid Distribution in Gaza

In a surprising move, the Israeli military announced a temporary pause in fighting along a crucial humanitarian aid corridor in southern Gaza. The pause, which will last from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, is aimed at facilitating the distribution of food aid in the region, where international organizations have warned of a looming hunger crisis.

The announcement initially caused confusion, with conflicting messages about the extent of the pause. While the military clarified that the fighting in the southern Gaza Strip, particularly in the city of Rafah, would continue, the pause along the aid corridor was solely for humanitarian purposes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s apparent lack of knowledge about the plan raised eyebrows, with analysts suggesting that the conflicting statements were tailored for different audiences. Netanyahu, facing pressure from both the Biden administration and his hawkish coalition partners, may have been aware of the plan despite claiming otherwise.

The pause comes amidst the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha and ongoing negotiations for a ceasefire with Hamas. The move also coincides with an upcoming international report on food insecurity in Gaza, where half the population is facing severe hunger.

Critics, including former military chief Gadi Eisenkot, have accused Netanyahu of prioritizing political interests over national security. Far-right coalition partners have condemned the humanitarian pause, insisting on the complete destruction of Hamas before any ceasefire agreement.

As the conflict continues to escalate, the toll on both sides is mounting. With casualties rising and uncertainty looming, the future of the conflict remains uncertain. The humanitarian pause, while a temporary respite, highlights the complex dynamics at play in the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

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