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Navigating Record Flooding in Iowa, a Husband Urged His Wife to Press On

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Severe Flooding Devastates Midwest, Leaving Residents Scrambling to Evacuate

Wanda and Randy Bliek of Rock Valley, Iowa, woke up to a nightmare on Saturday as floodwaters surged around their home, forcing them to swim and walk for eight blocks to safety. The couple’s harrowing escape was just one of many stories of survival in a weekend of severe flooding that wreaked havoc in three Midwestern states.

Rock Valley, a town of 4,000 people, was among the hardest-hit areas, with homes destroyed and residents stranded on rooftops calling for help. The flooding, caused by days of heavy rain and saturated ground, overwhelmed creeks and rivers, leading to widespread devastation.

As the waters receded in some areas, the danger persisted, with a railroad bridge collapsing in North Sioux City, South Dakota, and a dam at risk of failing in southern Minnesota. Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota warned that the coming days and months would be difficult as communities worked to recover.

The Midwest has faced a series of extreme weather events in recent years, from record-breaking floods to persistent droughts and heavy rainstorms. Scientists attribute these events to climate change, warning that they will become more common as the planet warms.

Officials across the region worked tirelessly to evacuate residents and strengthen defenses against the rising waters. In Iowa alone, hundreds of properties were destroyed, and the National Guard was mobilized to assist with evacuations in Minnesota.

President Biden declared a major disaster in Iowa, making federal funding available for affected counties. In Rock Valley, residents like Joane Rozeboom and Britney Westra vowed to rebuild their businesses, despite the destruction caused by the floods.

For the Blieks, the loss of their home was devastating, but they found solace in the discovery of their daughter’s urn, untouched amidst the wreckage. As they surveyed the damage, they were grateful to have survived the ordeal and to have found a precious memento amid the chaos.

As the Midwest grapples with the aftermath of the floods, residents and officials are bracing for the challenges ahead, knowing that the road to recovery will be long and difficult.

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