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NATO’s Stoltenberg avoids Biden, Trump dispute, advocates for countries meeting spending goals

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The NATO summit concluded with a bang as President Biden and former President Trump used the international event to boost their campaigns. The focus was on the record number of NATO nations meeting their GDP defense spending commitments, with both leaders claiming credit for the accomplishment.

Former President Trump emphasized his role in pushing NATO allies to increase their defense spending during his tenure, leading to a rise in the number of nations meeting their commitments. However, supporters of Trump argue that the war in Ukraine, not the Biden administration, was the main driver behind the increase in European defense spending.

Despite the progress, concerns were raised that the 2% spending commitments agreed upon nearly two decades ago may no longer be sufficient to address the current threats posed by authoritarian regimes like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. International officials stressed the need for NATO nations to reassess their defense spending to reflect the evolving security landscape.

In the midst of the political jockeying, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg remained neutral, refusing to get caught up in the Biden-Trump rivalry. He emphasized that NATO’s success lies in its ability to stay out of domestic politics and focus on its mission of ensuring the security of its member nations.

As the U.S. presidential race heats up, the NATO summit served as a platform for both Biden and Trump to showcase their leadership on the international stage. The competition between the two leaders is expected to intensify in the coming months, with NATO’s defense spending commitments likely to remain a key point of contention.

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