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Most of Biden’s 2020 Supporters Believe He is Too Old to be Effective

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Title: Concerns About President Biden’s Age Threaten Re-Election Bid, Poll Shows

A recent poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College has revealed widespread concerns about President Biden’s age, posing a deepening threat to his re-election bid. The survey indicates that a majority of voters who supported him in 2020 now believe he is too old to effectively lead the country.

According to the poll, 61 percent of voters who backed Mr. Biden in the previous election now think he is “just too old” to be an effective president. Additionally, 19 percent of his 2020 supporters and 13 percent of those planning to vote for him in November believe that his age has rendered him incapable of handling the job.

The unease surrounding Mr. Biden’s age cuts across various demographics, including generations, gender, race, and education levels. Despite efforts to dispel concerns within his own party and counter Republican attacks labeling him as senile, 73 percent of all registered voters view him as too old to be effective, with 45 percent expressing doubt about his ability to do the job.

The poll also highlights a shift in voters’ perceptions over time, with a significant increase in the number of people who believe Mr. Biden is too old to be president compared to previous surveys. In contrast, voters have not expressed the same level of concern about Donald J. Trump, who is just four years younger than Mr. Biden.

While Mr. Biden and his allies have dismissed worries about his age and mental acuity as unfair and inaccurate, the poll suggests that these concerns are becoming more entrenched and intertwined with how voters perceive him. As the election approaches, the president faces the challenge of reassuring voters about his age and fitness for office.

Despite the growing concerns, some voters remain supportive of Mr. Biden, while others are considering switching their allegiance to Mr. Trump. The upcoming election between the two oldest presidential nominees in history is shaping up to be a critical test of how age factors into voters’ decision-making.

As the campaign unfolds, the issue of age is likely to remain a prominent theme, with voters grappling with questions about the candidates’ health, fitness, and ability to lead the country effectively. The outcome of the election could hinge on how these concerns are addressed and whether voters ultimately prioritize age as a determining factor in their choice for president.

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