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Miracle as Rare Twin Elephants are Born in Thailand

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A Miracle in Thailand: Asian Elephant Gives Birth to Rare Twins

In a heartwarming and miraculous event, an Asian elephant in central Thailand has given birth to a rare set of twins, much to the surprise and delight of caretakers at the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal.

The 36-year-old mother, Chamchuri, was not expected to deliver twins, so when she gave birth to a male calf last Friday, staff thought the delivery was complete. However, to their astonishment, they soon realized that Chamchuri had given birth to a second calf, a female, while they were cleaning up the first one.

The second birth sent the mother into a panic, and caretakers had to act quickly to separate the female calf from Chamchuri to prevent any harm. One caretaker, Charin Somwang, even broke his leg in the process of restraining the mother, but he expressed no regrets, saying, “I was so happy, I couldn’t feel the pain.”

Twins are a rare occurrence in elephant births, with only one percent of births resulting in twins. The fact that these twins are male-female makes them even more extraordinary, according to Save the Elephants, a research organization.

The newborn calves have captured the hearts of many, with the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal featuring them in live streams on social media. Visitors to the park are also allowed to see the twins, albeit with strict hygiene protocols in place.

Elephants hold a special place in Thai culture, being considered sacred and a national symbol. The birth of these twins has brought immense joy and hope to all who have witnessed it, with caretakers and visitors alike marveling at the miracle of life.

As the twins continue to grow and thrive under the watchful care of their mother and caretakers, the world eagerly awaits the day when they will be named, in accordance with Thai custom. For now, they bring joy and happiness to all who have the privilege of seeing them, a reminder of the beauty and wonder of nature.

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