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Media in complete chaos over Biden’s ‘disastrous’ performance and other major news stories

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The recent presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump has sparked a flurry of reactions from the media and voters alike. Biden’s performance has been described as a “disaster” by some, with headlines screaming “Time to go, Joe” and “Not impressed” with his line of attack.

Following the debate, both candidates wasted no time in hitting the campaign trail, holding dueling rallies in crucial states. While some Democratic voters responded positively to Biden during the debate, Republicans trended toward Trump.

In the aftermath of the debate, Biden evaluated his own performance from a Georgia Waffle House, while media outlets compared the debate to the historic matchup between Nixon and Kennedy. Despite rumors of a replacement, Governor Newsom reaffirmed his support for Biden.

Meanwhile, the liberal media expressed shock at Biden’s “stunning” debate performance, with some saying they never thought he would be this bad. High school coach faced backlash for criticizing trans policy, and a congressional witness testified on the definition of a woman.

Opinion pieces on the debate ranged from Trump’s clear-cut victory raising questions about the 2024 campaign to Biden shocking the nation. Videos of Biden’s discombobulated moment and Hannity calling him a “cognitive mess” have been circulating online.

In other news, Boeing averted a crisis with NASA’s “stranded” astronaut, Walmart is going digital with shelf price tags, and a woman swam with over 20 sharks. Governor Ron DeSantis commented on the unofficial end of the Biden campaign, and Senator JD Vance discussed the extraordinary contrast between the two candidates.

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