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McDonald’s discontinues AI drive-throughs due to order inaccuracies

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McDonald’s Pulls the Plug on AI Drive-Through Ordering Technology After Comical Mishaps

McDonald’s is making headlines as it announces the removal of artificial intelligence (AI) powered ordering technology from its drive-through restaurants in the US. The decision comes after customers shared hilarious mishaps online, showcasing the system’s comical errors.

The trial of the AI system, which utilizes voice recognition software to process orders, was initially introduced in 2019. However, it quickly became apparent that the technology was not entirely reliable, leading to viral videos of bizarre misinterpreted orders. From bacon-topped ice cream to hundreds of dollars worth of chicken nuggets, the AI order-taker’s mishaps have been well-documented online.

According to reports, McDonald’s informed franchisees that it would be removing the tech from the more than 100 restaurants where it was being tested by the end of July. Despite this setback, the fast-food giant remains optimistic about the future of voice-ordering solutions for drive-thru services.

While concerns initially centered around the potential job displacement of human workers, it seems that replacing them with AI may not be as straightforward as anticipated. The mishaps of the AI order-taker have highlighted the limitations of the technology, prompting McDonald’s to reevaluate its plans for Automated Order Taking (AOT).

IBM, the company behind the technology used at the drive-throughs, expressed confidence in the capabilities of their system, emphasizing its speed and accuracy in demanding conditions. Although the trial may have come to an end, IBM looks forward to continuing its collaboration with McDonald’s on future projects.

As the debate around AI reshaping the workplace continues, McDonald’s and IBM have yet to provide further comments on the matter. Despite the setback, the fast-food chain remains committed to exploring innovative solutions for enhancing customer experiences in the future.

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