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Marco Rubio is Interested in Being Trump’s Vice President Without Auditioning.

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Senator Marco Rubio of Florida is making strategic moves in his bid to become the next Republican vice-presidential nominee, opting for a low-key approach to avoid ruffling feathers with former President Donald Trump. While other potential running mates have been flaunting their support for Trump, Rubio has been quietly positioning himself as a leading contender for the role.

Rubio’s history with Trump dates back to the 2016 Republican primary, where the two engaged in a heated rivalry that ended with Trump mocking Rubio’s height and other personal attributes. Since then, Rubio has been careful not to get too close to Trump, but has still managed to become an occasional policy adviser and a potential running mate.

One of Rubio’s key strengths is his appeal to Hispanic voters, as the son of Cuban immigrants. Additionally, his experience as a seasoned politician and his ability to reassure Republican donors and moderate voters make him a strong candidate for the vice-presidential nomination.

Despite his quiet campaign, Rubio faces challenges in proving his desire for the job without appearing too eager. Trump has reportedly expressed confusion over Rubio’s approach, questioning how much the senator really wants the position.

Another potential hurdle for Rubio is the constitutional issue of both him and Trump being residents of Florida. Trump has suggested that Rubio may need to change his residency to avoid this problem, but Rubio has indicated that this would not be an issue for him.

Overall, Rubio’s subtle but strategic campaign for the vice-presidential nomination has positioned him as a strong contender for the role. With his experience, appeal to key voter groups, and ability to work with Trump, Rubio could be a valuable asset to the Republican ticket in the upcoming election.

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