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Many Lives Lost as Mecca Faces Extreme Heat During Hajj Pilgrimage

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Dozens of people have tragically lost their lives due to scorching temperatures during the annual hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Reports from official media across the Middle East and Africa have highlighted the deadly impact of the extreme heat on pilgrims.

With temperatures soaring above 113 degrees Fahrenheit, or 45 degrees Celsius, Saudi officials issued advisories urging pilgrims to stay hydrated, minimize outdoor activities, and use umbrellas to shield themselves from direct sunlight. Despite these precautions, the heat has proven fatal for many individuals making the pilgrimage.

Jordan’s official news agency reported that 14 pilgrims had died from exposure to the extreme sun and heat, with burial permits issued for 41 Jordanian pilgrims in Mecca. Tunisia’s Foreign Ministry confirmed the deaths of at least 35 Tunisian pilgrims, attributing the fatalities to the sharp rise in temperatures and scorching sun during the hajj.

Additionally, three pilgrims from Senegal lost their lives, and Egypt’s Foreign Ministry is working tirelessly to assist in facilitating burials and locating missing Egyptian pilgrims. While Saudi Arabia has not officially reported any deaths, the toll from the heatwave continues to rise.

The hajj pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of Islam, draws more than 1.8 million people from around the world each year. Despite efforts to provide advanced cooling systems and ensure the availability of water, many older pilgrims have suffered from heat stress in recent years, with some succumbing to the extreme conditions.

Saudi officials have labeled this year’s hajj season a success, citing the absence of outbreaks or public health threats despite the challenges posed by high temperatures. The authorities have emphasized their commitment to providing a smooth and secure hajj experience for all pilgrims, but the tragic loss of life serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by the scorching temperatures in Mecca.

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