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Many Israelis Hold Hamas Responsible for Suffering in Gaza and Show Little Compassion

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Title: Israelis in Netivot Show Little Sympathy for Gaza Amid Ongoing Conflict

The southern Israeli city of Netivot, known for its mystical rabbis and located just 10 miles from the Gaza border, recently escaped a deadly attack by Hamas on Oct. 7. While many residents attribute this fortunate outcome to miraculous intervention by the Jewish sages buried in the city, there is a noticeable lack of concern for the suffering of Palestinian civilians across the fence in Gaza.

Despite operating a small food shack in Netivot’s market and employing two men from Gaza before the attack, Michael Zigdon expressed little sympathy for Gazans, citing the actions of Hamas as the root cause of the ongoing conflict. This sentiment is echoed by many Israelis, who blame Hamas for embedding itself in residential areas and endangering civilians in Gaza.

The trauma of the Oct. 7 attack, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 people, mostly civilians, has left a lasting impact on the Israeli psyche. The subsequent military offensive in Gaza has led to tens of thousands of Palestinian casualties and widespread destruction in the enclave.

While some Israelis, like Rachel Riemer from the liberal kibbutz of Urim, have previously shown support for Gazan children in need, the current conflict has hardened attitudes towards Gaza’s civilians. Many Israelis view them as complicit in the actions of Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007 with little tolerance for dissent.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza, exacerbated by restrictions on aid and a naval blockade, has drawn international criticism towards Israel. However, many Israelis feel that the world has overlooked the suffering of Israeli civilians and the ongoing threat posed by Hamas.

As the conflict continues, Israelis remain divided on how to address the situation in Gaza. Some advocate for a more aggressive approach towards Hamas, while others call for a negotiated settlement to bring the hostages home and end the war.

Overall, the lack of sympathy for Gaza among residents of Netivot and other Israeli communities reflects the deep-seated divisions and complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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