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Families of Hostages in Israel Fear Proposal Will Fail, Putting Lives at Risk

As hopes for a resolution to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas were raised last week, the families of hostages are now growing increasingly concerned that the latest proposal may end in failure. The situation has become even more precarious as far-right members of Israel’s coalition threaten to take down the government if a deal is reached without toppling Hamas, and Hamas has not formally agreed to the proposal shared by President Biden.

The families of hostages have been on an emotional roller-coaster, with each new development raising their hopes only to be dashed once again. Lee Siegel, brother of a 65-year-old Israeli-American hostage, expressed his frustration, saying, “Every day that goes by it becomes exponentially more difficult to continue with hope.”

Advocates for the release of hostages warn that conditions for them are becoming more precarious each day, especially for older adults and those who are ill. Without a resolution, they fear that many hostages in Gaza may not return to Israel alive.

The mounting concerns of the hostage families come as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces pressure from both international demands for a cease-fire and domestic right-wing allies who reject any agreement that does not eliminate Hamas. Some families have lost hope that demonstrations in Israel will sway Netanyahu, believing only unrelenting American pressure can make a difference.

One father, Gilad Korngold, whose family has suffered losses due to the conflict, emphasized the need for continuous pressure on Netanyahu to agree to a deal. He also called for pressure on Hamas through Qatar to ensure their approval of an agreement.

As the situation remains at an impasse, the fear and anxiety among the families of hostages continue to grow. Each passing day brings with it the possibility of devastating news, further highlighting the urgent need for a resolution to end the conflict and bring the hostages home safely.

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