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Liberal journalists and Democrats attempt to undermine Trump Bronx rally as ‘fake’ and ‘fabricated’

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Former President Trump’s Massive Rally in Deep-Blue NYC Sparks Outrage Among Democrats

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in deep-blue New York City drew a massive crowd of supporters, much to the dismay of liberal media commentators, journalists, and New York Democrats. The event, held at Crotona Park in the Bronx, saw an estimated 25,000 attendees, far surpassing the initial expectations of 3,500.

Progressive Democrats and liberal commentators attempted to discredit the rally as a contrived stunt to win over minority voters in the area. New York Governor Kathy Hochul dismissed the rally as “made-up” and “fake,” while Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Trump of bussing in supporters from outside states to “trick” her constituents.

Despite the backlash, a racially and religiously diverse group of thousands gathered at the event, with attendees traveling from as far as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Connecticut. The rally also saw a significant presence of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens residents.

While MSNBC hosts Alex Wagner and Joy Reid downplayed the rally as a “fakey campaign stop,” Trump supporters remained undeterred. Former President Trump vowed to bring back safety and better schools to New York City, declaring his intention to make the city “bigger, better, and greater than ever before.”

Trump’s rally in the Bronx marks a significant effort to reach voters in a traditionally Democratic stronghold. Despite facing criticism from New York Democrats, Trump’s support among Black and Hispanic voters appears to be on the rise, challenging the status quo in the Empire State.

As the former president continues to make gains with minority voters, the political landscape in New York City may be in for a significant shift. Trump’s bold move to campaign in the heart of deep-blue territory has sparked outrage among Democrats but has also energized his base and supporters.

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