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Desperate Hunger in Northern Gaza as Aid Trickle Reaches Starving Palestinians

The northern Gaza Strip is facing a dire humanitarian crisis as only a trickle of aid managed to reach the desperate and hungry population on Monday. The United Nations has issued a warning that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are at risk of famine after nearly five months of fighting and blockade.

Despite efforts to send aid trucks to northern Gaza, the situation remains grim. Fifteen trucks were dispatched overnight as part of a relief effort involving Palestinian businessmen, but at least five of those trucks were looted along the way, according to an Israeli official.

It is unclear how many trucks actually reached their intended destination in Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighborhood. Palestinian businessman Izzat Aqel has stated his intention to send an additional 30 trucks with food relief to northern Gaza to help alleviate the growing crisis.

Aid officials have raised the alarm that over 500,000 people in Gaza are already facing a dire lack of food, with one in six children under the age of 2 acutely malnourished. The World Health Organization has reported severe levels of malnutrition and children dying of starvation in the region.

The dire conditions have led to desperate crowds swarming aid trucks, and a tragic incident last week where over 100 Palestinians were killed by Israeli troops as they gathered around a convoy of trucks. The international community has increased pressure on Israel to facilitate more aid for the people of Gaza, particularly in the north.

President Biden has called for more aid to be delivered quickly, stating that the current flow of aid is insufficient. The United States recently made airdrops of food into Gaza for the first time in response to the escalating crisis.

Despite the devastation in northern Gaza and the urgent need for aid, Israel has maintained tight restrictions on aid shipments to prevent resources from reaching Hamas. The current system has been deemed inadequate by U.N. officials, who are pushing for a more efficient way to deliver aid directly to those in need.

As the situation in northern Gaza continues to deteriorate, the international community is urged to step up efforts to provide much-needed relief to the starving population. The lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians hang in the balance as they wait for essential aid to reach them in their time of need.

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