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Key Takeaways from the Web3 Gaming Summit in Hong Kong

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The Web3 Gaming Summit in Hong Kong, organized by ABGA and co-hosted by ICC and aelf, took place on April 8, 2024, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. The summit brought together industry leaders, developers, investors, and enthusiasts from around the world to explore the limitless potential of Web3 gaming.

The event kicked off with three keynote speeches and three panel discussions, covering topics such as game technology, business models, industry trends, and future developments in Web3 gaming. ABGA CEO Yoka Zhou highlighted Asia’s leading position in the global Web3 gaming ecosystem, emphasizing the region’s vibrant developer community and innovative spirit.

Abin Arjun, Founder and CEO of Aura, discussed Aura’s vision for future gaming development and the bright prospects of esports in the Web3 gaming sector. Khaniff Lau, Business Development Director of aelf, showcased aelf’s advanced blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize the landscape of Web3 gaming.

The summit also featured the ICC Ceremony, where Kevin Shao introduced ICC Camp, the industry’s first accelerator dedicated to the Web3 gaming sector. Thirty-one startup teams from ICC Camp S1 showcased their projects, sharing their entrepreneurial insights and experiences.

Panel discussions at the event focused on topics such as the future of supportive ecosystems in Web3 gaming, innovative trends and developments in the industry, and the perspective of top-tier public chains on the future of Web3 gaming. Industry pioneers and practitioners shared valuable experiences and insights, deepening understanding of the Web3 gaming industry and showcasing its unlimited potential for development.

The event was a hub for knowledge exchange and innovative thinking, driving industry transformation and bringing more opportunities to global players. The summit highlighted the rapid development of Web3 gaming and set the stage for the SG WGS hosted by ABGA during token2049 in September, where participants can reunite and explore the future landscape of Web3 gaming.

Overall, the Web3 Gaming Summit in Hong Kong was a success, bringing together industry leaders and innovators to shape the future of Web3 gaming.

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