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It’s Never Too Late: From Musician to Pilot, One Man’s Journey to a New Career

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At 67 years old, Patrick Milando found himself at a crossroads. The pandemic had brought live music to a halt, leaving him wondering what to do next. But instead of accepting defeat, he decided to pursue a new dream – becoming a professional pilot.

A seasoned French horn player with decades of experience in the music industry, Mr. Milando had always been intrigued by flying. He had dabbled in flying single-engine planes as a hobby before the pandemic hit, but now he saw an opportunity to turn his passion into a second career.

Despite his age, Mr. Milando enrolled in a flight school in New Jersey and set out to earn his commercial pilot certificate. Surrounded by younger pilots with backgrounds in computers, he felt a sense of freedom and autonomy in the skies that he had never experienced before.

Today, at 71 years old, Mr. Milando splits his time between playing in the orchestra pit and teaching aspiring pilots. His journey serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem.

In an interview, Mr. Milando shared his love for flying, the similarities between music and aviation, and his plans for the future, including obtaining an Airline Transport Pilot certificate.

For those who may be hesitant to make a career change later in life, Mr. Milando’s story is a testament to the fact that age should never be a barrier to following your passions. As he continues to push himself to new heights, he proves that it’s never too late to embark on a new adventure.

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