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Israel’s Military Launchs New Offensive, Forcing Gazans to Flee Jabaliya

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The northern town of Jabaliya in the Gaza Strip has once again become a battleground as the Israeli military launched a renewed offensive, forcing tens of thousands of residents to flee their homes.

After experiencing fierce attacks earlier in the war that killed many civilians and destroyed large parts of the suburb, residents thought they had already faced their worst days. However, last week, the Israeli military dropped leaflets over Jabaliya, ordering people to evacuate as they prepared for another round of strikes.

Iman Abu Jalhum, a 23-year-old medical school graduate who has been volunteering in hospitals treating the wounded, described the terror that gripped the residents when the leaflets were dropped. She and her family had to flee their home under bombardment, with her father struggling to walk due to back issues.

Israel stated that the renewed offensive was necessary because Hamas was trying to reassemble its infrastructure and operatives in the area. Hamas, on the other hand, accused Israel of escalating aggression against civilians in Gaza and vowed to continue fighting.

At least 15 civilians were killed in Israeli airstrikes in Jabaliya, with 30 others wounded and emergency crews unable to reach the area to rescue the injured. The conflict has displaced over 64,000 people, according to UNRWA, with many seeking shelter in bombed-out buildings a few miles south of Jabaliya.

Despite the ongoing danger, Ms. Abu Jalhum attempted to return to her neighborhood to check on her home but was forced to turn back due to explosions hitting too close. She expressed the exhaustion and fear that have become a constant presence in their lives as they continue to be displaced multiple times during the war.

“We just want to go home,” she said. “We’re so exhausted. You see it in our faces. We want to cry at times, but we’re unable to.” The residents of Jabaliya continue to endure the devastating impact of the conflict, hoping for a resolution that will allow them to rebuild their lives in peace.

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