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Israeli government divisions deepen as military halts operations in Gaza

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Title: Israeli Army Announces “Local, Tactical Pause” in Fighting Raises Political Tensions

In a move that has sparked controversy and political backlash, the Israeli army has announced a “local, tactical pause of military activity for humanitarian purposes” in Gaza. The scheduled daily pause in fighting between 08:00 and 19:00 local time along a key route has been met with criticism from far-right government ministers.

The announcement, aimed at allowing aid to be delivered along the route, has been defended by Israel’s army as not signaling an end to the fighting in southern Gaza or any change to the entry of humanitarian aid. However, the political fallout from the announcement underscores the challenges faced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in balancing military goals with political alliances.

Aid agencies have welcomed the pause as an opportunity to coordinate aid deliveries more efficiently, but they also caution that insecurity and criminality remain significant obstacles to delivering aid inside Gaza. Reports of acute malnutrition in parts of Gaza highlight the urgent need for increased aid deliveries.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is under pressure from various fronts to end the war in Gaza and prioritize humanitarian aid. However, he faces opposition from far-right cabinet colleagues who view aid deliveries as a hindrance to Israel’s victory over Hamas. The escalating conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon further complicates the situation, raising concerns about the broader risks of continuing the war.

As the funerals of eleven soldiers killed in Gaza over the weekend take place, questions persist about how Israel’s stated war aims can be achieved. Despite promises of “total victory” against Hamas, the reality on the ground suggests a more complex and protracted conflict.

The divisions between the army and political allies highlight the challenges facing Prime Minister Netanyahu as he navigates the competing demands of military objectives and political survival. The tensions between rhetoric and reality in the war underscore the difficult choices ahead for Israel’s leadership.

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