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Israeli forces target humanitarian aid convoys intended for Palestinians

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In a shocking turn of events, Israeli protesters were caught on camera stamping on aid packages destined for Gaza. The incident, which took place just 45 minutes ago, has sparked outrage and debate on social media.

The war in Gaza has taken a new form, with aid becoming a battleground for rival groups of activists. Right-wing activists, including Jewish settlers, have been seen blocking and ransacking aid lorries, arguing that providing aid to Gaza only prolongs the conflict.

Videos circulating on social media show protesters hurling food onto the ground and stamping on boxes of aid, with some even celebrating on top of looted lorries. Palestinian lorry drivers have reported being traumatised and fearing for their lives as they transport goods from the West Bank to Gaza.

However, some Israelis are fighting back against these attacks. Peace activists have been tracking their opponents’ movements and ensuring they are present at key crossing points to protect aid convoys. At Tarqumiya checkpoint, members of the group Standing Together have been mounting regular vigils to ensure aid reaches Gaza.

The peace activists have accused the police of doing little to stop the attacks, with evidence suggesting that settlers are receiving help from the authorities. Despite the heated debates and tensions at the border crossings, some Israelis believe that protecting their lives and families is more important than the image projected by the scenes of aid lorries being stopped and ransacked.

As the conflict over aid continues to escalate, the battle for Gaza rages on, with both sides standing firm in their beliefs and actions.

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