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Israeli Defense Chief Rejects French Attempt to Stop Israel-Hezbollah Conflict

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Tensions Escalate Between Israel and Hezbollah as Demands for Withdrawal Remain Unmet

As tensions continue to rise between Israel and Hezbollah, the two sides remain at an impasse over the withdrawal of Hezbollah forces from the border region in Lebanon. Israel has demanded that Hezbollah adhere to a United Nations Security Council resolution from 2006, which stipulates that only UN forces and the Lebanese army should be present in the area north of the Litani River.

However, analysts believe that Hezbollah is unlikely to comply with Israel’s demands for a full withdrawal. Instead, French mediators have proposed a compromise solution, suggesting a smaller buffer zone and an increase in Lebanese army presence in the border area.

The lack of agreement has led to a limited escalation of violence, with Hezbollah launching rockets into Israel and Israel responding with strikes in Lebanese territory. The situation escalated further on Tuesday when Israeli forces killed a senior Hezbollah commander in southern Lebanon, prompting Hezbollah to retaliate with heavy rocket barrages into Israel.

On Friday, Hezbollah launched 70 more rockets into northern Israel, causing sirens to blare across the region. The Israeli military reported minimal damage and responded with artillery fire. This latest exchange of fire came in response to an Israeli strike on a building in southern Lebanon, which resulted in the deaths of two individuals.

The ongoing conflict has also resulted in casualties on the Israeli side, with four people, including two soldiers, wounded in Hezbollah’s attacks on Thursday. Additionally, wildfires sparked by falling rockets and shrapnel have burned over 11,000 acres in Israel over the past two weeks, according to Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority.

As both Israel and Hezbollah continue to engage in tit-for-tat attacks, the risk of a full-scale war looms large. Analysts and officials warn that a miscalculation on either side could escalate the conflict further, drawing both parties into a devastating confrontation. The international community remains on edge as efforts to de-escalate the situation have so far proven unsuccessful.

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