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Israel-Hamas Conflict: Israel’s Defense Minister Visits Washington for Gaza Updates

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Title: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Airs New Grievances Over U.S. Munitions Supply for Gaza War

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel raised fresh concerns on Sunday regarding the Biden administration’s supply of munitions for the ongoing conflict in Gaza. This comes as his Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, arrived in Washington for meetings with senior U.S. officials.

Despite initial hopes of a “reconciliation” trip to mend recent tensions with the United States, Mr. Netanyahu reiterated his frustrations over the decrease in armament supplies from the U.S. in recent months. He expressed disappointment in the delays and sporadic deliveries, emphasizing the critical need for continuous support during the prolonged conflict.

The ongoing dispute between the Israeli government and the Biden administration escalated last week when Mr. Netanyahu publicly criticized the U.S. for withholding weapons and ammunition. While the Biden administration cited concerns over the use of certain munitions in densely populated areas, Mr. Netanyahu’s combative stance has drawn criticism from within his own party and raised questions about his motives.

Some political analysts suggest that Mr. Netanyahu’s actions may be driven by domestic political considerations and an attempt to influence American politics ahead of the upcoming presidential elections. However, others believe that his confrontational approach could have long-term repercussions for Israel’s relations with the U.S. and its military operations.

As Israel seeks to de-escalate the conflict in Gaza and address security threats on its northern border, Mr. Gallant’s visit to Washington takes on added significance. The Biden administration is working to find a diplomatic solution to prevent further escalation with Hezbollah in Lebanon, while also supporting efforts to negotiate a truce in Gaza.

Despite the tensions and public disagreements, Mr. Gallant emphasized the importance of the U.S.-Israel alliance and the need for continued cooperation. As both countries navigate complex geopolitical challenges, the outcome of these discussions could have far-reaching implications for the region.

In the midst of these critical developments, Mr. Netanyahu’s continued criticism and Mr. Gallant’s diplomatic mission underscore the delicate balance of power and priorities in the Middle East.

Gabby Sobelman contributed reporting to this article.

Isabel Kershner Reporting from Jerusalem

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