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Indian PM walks diplomatic tightrope during visit to Kyiv following Moscow trip

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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Ukraine to hold talks with President Volodymyr Zelensky has sparked interest and speculation about India’s foreign policy approach. The trip comes on the heels of Mr. Modi’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which drew criticism from some Western allies.

The visit is seen as a strategic move by India to balance its relations between Russia and the West. While India has strong ties with Moscow, it is also looking to strengthen its engagement with Western nations. The timing of the visit reflects India’s efforts to address concerns raised by the US and other Western powers about its relationship with Russia.

Mr. Modi’s visit to Ukraine is not just about placating Western leaders, but also about asserting India’s strategic autonomy. The country’s non-alignment approach to geopolitics has served it well for decades, and this visit is a continuation of that tradition.

India’s growing relations with Europe, particularly with Central and Eastern European nations, are also a key focus of Mr. Modi’s trip. The Indian government has been ramping up engagement with these regions, recognizing their increasing importance in geopolitics.

Overall, Mr. Modi’s visit to Ukraine and Poland is seen as a move to strengthen India’s ties with both Russia and the West, while also expanding its reach in Europe. The visit is not just about addressing the war in Ukraine, but also about pursuing India’s broader foreign policy goals.

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