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Guild of Guardians Launches with High Ratings and Immersive Gameplay

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: Guild of Guardians, Immutable Games, IMX, mobile game, Elderym, NFTs, blockchain, web3, Chris Clay, gaming, community engagement, player feedback, AAA mobile gaming, adventure, dungeon crawling, strategy, NFT prizes, tokens, marketplace, ownership, crafting, progression, rewards, daily quests, arena battles, radiant guardians, merge board, forge, immersive experience, top-rated, success, launch, active users, ratings, industry veterans, future prospects, community

Guild of Guardians, a new mobile game published by Immutable (IMX) Games, has taken the gaming world by storm with its impressive success since its launch on May 15, 2024. According to, the game has received high ratings and a significant increase in active users, making it a must-play for gamers worldwide.

In the first 24-48 hours post-launch, Guild of Guardians saw approximately 30,000 installs, with a 20-fold increase in daily active users compared to its regional test launch. The game currently boasts a stellar 4.8/5 star rating on the Apple App Store in Australia and ranks among the top 10 in the United States, Philippines, and Singapore. Nearly 98% of installs have converted into active game players, showcasing the seamless onboarding process through Immutable Passport.

Set in the mystical world of Elderym, Guild of Guardians immerses players in an epic adventure as newly awakened Guardians tasked with combating the dark force known as the Dread. The gameplay combines roguelike dungeon crawling with strategic squad building, allowing players to select up to 10 Guardians with unique abilities for each dungeon run.

Players can engage in combat as Guardians automatically battle enemies, with the option to trigger special abilities for devastating effects. Each dungeon features a recommended Guardian Level to help players gauge the difficulty, while various challenges and rewards, including adventure dungeons, arena battles, and daily quests, keep the gameplay exciting and rewarding.

Outside of dungeon runs, players can manage and empower their Guardians through crafting and progression systems. The Merge Board enables players to combine resources to create higher-quality materials for crafting powerful gear. Guardians can also be Enlightened or Ascended to increase their power, with Ascended Guardians becoming tradable NFTs known as “Radiant” Guardians.

Guild of Guardians is developed by a team of industry veterans led by Chris Clay, known for their work on titles such as Magic: The Gathering Arena and Final Fantasy. The game leverages blockchain technology, NFTs, and tokens to offer true ownership of in-game assets, allowing players to trade or sell their assets on marketplaces.

With a strong focus on community engagement and player feedback, Guild of Guardians aims to set a new standard for web3 gaming. Chris Clay shared, “Our vision for Guild of Guardians is to create a captivating and immersive mobile gaming experience that seamlessly integrates the best of web3 technology, empowering players to truly own their in-game assets and shape the future of the game.”

As Guild of Guardians continues to evolve, it promises to deliver a top-quality AAA mobile gaming experience enhanced by web3 technology. Players are encouraged to join the vibrant community, rally their allies, and prepare for an epic adventure in the realm of Elderym where their progress and achievements hold real value.

Image source: Shutterstock

This engaging news story covers the successful launch and impressive features of Guild of Guardians, a mobile game that has captivated players with its immersive gameplay, strategic elements, and integration of blockchain technology. With high ratings, a growing player base, and a dedicated development team, Guild of Guardians promises to be a top contender in the mobile gaming industry.

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