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GOP Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski endorse Nikki Haley

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Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley received endorsements from two moderate GOP senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Collins, who previously voted to convict then-President Trump in his impeachment trial, praised Haley as “extremely well-qualified” and endorsed her in Maine’s primary. Murkowski also threw her support behind Haley, making them the only senators to endorse her as the rest of the party has backed Trump.

Despite not winning any primaries or caucuses so far, Haley has insisted on staying in the GOP presidential race, arguing that Republicans need another option besides Trump. She recently claimed that Trump would not be able to beat President Biden in the general election, stating, “We will have a female President of the United States: It will either be me or it will be Kamala Harris. But if Donald Trump is the nominee, you can mark my words, he will not win a general election.”

Haley’s persistence in the race and the endorsements from Collins and Murkowski highlight the divisions within the GOP as the party looks towards the 2024 presidential election. Stay tuned for more updates on Haley’s campaign and the evolving dynamics within the Republican Party.

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