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Giorgia Meloni opens up as Italy heads to the polls

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Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is hoping to solidify her position in Italian politics as Italians cast their votes in the European elections. Meloni, who leads the far-right Brothers of Italy party, has urged voters to write her name on their ballots in a bid to tighten her grip on power.

The elections come amidst a turbulent period in Europe, with several politicians coming under physical attack. Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted ahead of the Danish vote, while Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico survived an attempt on his life last month.

In Italy, the elections are seen as a test for Meloni’s leadership, with her main rival, Matteo Salvini of the League party, pushing his party’s rhetoric further to the right. Salvini’s lead candidate, army general Roberto Vannacci, has faced criticism for expressing homophobic and racist views.

The results of the left-wing Democratic Party and the Left/Greens platform, led by antifascist activist Ilaria Salis, will also be closely watched.

As voting continues across Europe, leaders are urging high turnout to counter the rise of right-wing parties. French President Emmanuel Macron warned of the threat posed by the surge of the right, while Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban criticized the EU’s support for Ukraine.

Polls in Italy will close late on Sunday, with a projection of the results expected soon after. The outcome of the elections could have far-reaching implications for the future of European politics.

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