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From a City with a Dark Past of Cat Killings to Celebrating Them at the Kattenstoet Parade

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Belgium’s Kattenstoet Parade Celebrates Cats and History

In the picturesque town of Iepers, Belgium, a unique and colorful festival takes place every three years that celebrates cats in all their glory. Known as Kattenstoet, this cat-themed parade and festival draws cat enthusiasts from all over the world to join in the fun and festivities.

The town’s history with cats is a mix of adoration and darkness. In the Middle Ages, cats were used to keep wool warehouses free of mice, but when they began reproducing too quickly, the town officials resorted to a gruesome solution. On “Cat Wednesday,” cats were tossed to their deaths from the belfry tower, a practice that continued until 1817.

However, in 1937, the town decided to turn this dark history into a celebration of cats with the creation of Kattenstoet. The parade features elaborate floats, costumes, and performances that pay homage to the city’s past and celebrate the feline companions that are now beloved by many.

This year’s Kattenstoet was especially significant as it marked the first parade since 2018 due to a temporary halt caused by Covid. Organizers expected over 50,000 attendees from around the world, including cat lovers who traveled from as far as Tokyo and Northamptonshire, England, to witness the spectacle.

The parade featured floats depicting the history of Iepers, as well as cat worship in history and pop culture. From giant Garfield floats to participants in cat-themed costumes, the enthusiasm was infectious. Marching bands and musical performances added to the festive atmosphere, making it a day to remember for all who attended.

For some, like police officer Dan Baxter and nurse Sarah Carlson from Philadelphia, the decision to attend Kattenstoet was a no-brainer. Leaving their own four cats in the care of cat sitters, the couple made their way to Belgium to experience the unique celebration firsthand. With cat tattoos proudly displayed and a sense of excitement in the air, Kattenstoet proved to be a one-of-a-kind event that brought people together to honor our feline friends.

As the parade came to a close, the streets of Iepers were filled with laughter, music, and the joy of celebrating a shared love for cats. Kattenstoet may have started as a way to acknowledge a dark chapter in the town’s history, but it has evolved into a vibrant and beloved tradition that brings people from all walks of life together in the name of feline fun.

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