In the latest film “River” by Junta Yamaguchi, viewers are taken on a whimsical journey with the staff and clients of a quaint Japanese inn who find themselves stuck in a short time loop. Every 120 seconds, they all rewind, creating a unique and intriguing premise that keeps audiences engaged. The film, a collaboration with the Kyoto theater company Europe Kikaku and writer Makoto Ueda, offers a blend of broad humor and wistful romance that evokes the charm of a live-action Studio Ghibli feature.
The story centers around Riko Fujitani’s character, Mikoto, a young employee who begins to believe she may have caused the temporal disturbance. As the characters navigate their situation in exactly two minutes, the film transitions from a goofy comedy to a bittersweet romance, captivating viewers with its whimsical charm.
While the plot may involve a deus ex machina to resolve the storyline, “River” remains a delightful and enchanting film that showcases Yamaguchi’s unique storytelling style. With its blend of humor, romance, and a touch of fantasy, “River” is a must-watch for fans of Japanese cinema and those looking for a captivating and heartwarming story.