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Escalation with Hezbollah fueled by fires in northern Israel prompts calls for action

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Hezbollah Rockets Spark Days of Bushfires in Northern Israel

Hezbollah rockets have ignited days of bushfires in northern Israel, leaving swathes of forest reserve destroyed and 11 people hospitalized for smoke inhalation. The fires have caused chaos in the largely-deserted northern communities, with firefighters battling for hours to contain the flames.

The fires, which have burned through 3,500 acres of land, have reignited calls for the Israeli government to take action to end the escalating conflict with Hezbollah on its northern front. The war cabinet is set to meet to discuss the worsening security situation along the border, as tensions between Israel and Hezbollah continue to rise.

Residents in the affected areas have been evacuated, with many still unable to return to their homes. The situation has been further complicated by ongoing conflicts in Gaza, with some residents linking the Hezbollah rocket attacks to Israel’s actions in the region.

Israel’s security minister has called for a military response to the rocket attacks, while the army chief of staff has stated that the country is prepared to move to an offensive. Hezbollah has warned against any Israeli expansion of the conflict, threatening to respond with devastation.

The fires have brought the long-standing conflict with Hezbollah back into the spotlight, putting pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take action. Negotiations for a ceasefire and hostage exchange deal in Gaza are already underway, with US President Joe Biden urging both sides to come to an agreement.

As the fires continue to rage and tensions escalate, the situation in northern Israel remains precarious. The government must navigate carefully to prevent further escalation and protect the lives and livelihoods of those affected by the fires.

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