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Egyptian Pilgrims Left Completely Abandoned During Hajj Heat Deaths

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The scorching heat at the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia has claimed the lives of hundreds of people from more than two dozen countries, with Egypt being the hardest hit. Among the victims is Effendiya, a 77-year-old mother who sold her jewelry to fulfill her dream of going on the spiritual journey to Mecca.

Effendiya’s family shared the heartbreaking story of how she struggled in the extreme heat, walking long distances and lacking basic facilities that registered pilgrims usually have. Her son, Sayyed, tearfully expressed how her death has shattered him, as going to Hajj was her biggest dream.

The family blames local travel brokers for not providing adequate protection from the heat, as Effendiya and other unregistered pilgrims were left to fend for themselves. They tried to shield themselves from the sun using bedsheets to make a makeshift tent.

Effendiya’s tragic death highlights the challenges faced by unregistered pilgrims who undertake the journey without official permits. The Egyptian authorities have promised to investigate the tour companies involved in sending unregistered pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.

Despite the sorrow and grief, Effendiya’s family finds some comfort in the fact that she was buried in the holy city of Mecca, fulfilling her lifelong dream. The story of Effendiya serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by many pilgrims to fulfill their religious obligations, even at great personal cost.

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