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Dominican Republic Election: Abinader’s Crackdown on Haitians Leads to Victory

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President Luis Abinader of the Dominican Republic is on track for a resounding victory in his re-election bid, with voters rallying behind his tough stance on migration, anti-corruption efforts, and strong economic performance.

Abinader, a former tourism executive, has garnered 59 percent of the vote so far, leaving his closest rival, former president Leonel Fernández, far behind with 27 percent. Abel Martínez, a provincial mayor, trails with 11 percent of the vote. Despite the lack of full official results, both Fernández and Martínez have conceded and congratulated Abinader.

The election highlighted Abinader’s ability to leverage migration concerns to his advantage. The Dominican Republic has been deporting tens of thousands of Haitians fleeing violence and instability, with Abinader even pushing for the construction of a border wall between the two countries. This hard-line approach has resonated with voters, with many praising Abinader for standing firm on the issue.

In addition to his migration policies, Abinader’s anti-corruption initiatives have also won him support. He has appointed a former Supreme Court judge as attorney general and launched investigations that have targeted high-ranking officials from previous administrations. While some critics argue that his government has been selective in its anti-corruption efforts, others see promise in new laws aimed at combating criminal activity.

Abinader’s success in the election reflects the Dominican Republic’s strong economic performance and his handling of the Covid pandemic. The country’s tourism industry, a key driver of economic growth, has rebounded quickly thanks to the efficient distribution of vaccines. With the economy expected to grow by 5.1 percent this year, Abinader’s pro-business policies have garnered widespread support.

Despite some criticism and opposition, Abinader’s re-election bid underscores his ability to navigate complex issues and deliver results for the Dominican people. As he prepares for another term in office, the focus will be on sustaining economic growth, tackling corruption, and addressing the challenges facing the country.

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