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Democrats Panic Over Biden’s Unsteady Debate Showing

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Title: President Biden’s Debate Performance Sparks Panic Among Democrats

President Biden’s decision to engage in an early debate with former President Donald J. Trump backfired as his performance raised concerns about his ability to lead the Democratic Party in the upcoming election. The debate, which was meant to showcase Biden’s strengths, instead highlighted his struggles to counter Trump’s attacks and deliver a coherent message.

Throughout the 90-minute debate, Biden appeared raspy-voiced and disjointed, leading to a wave of panic among Democrats who had previously defended him against doubts about his candidacy. Some Democrats even began discussing the possibility of persuading Biden to step aside in favor of a younger, more capable candidate.

Despite Biden’s claims of battling a cold, his lackluster performance left many questioning his ability to lead a vigorous and competitive campaign against Trump. While Trump appeared confident and energetic, Biden seemed to struggle to deliver his lines and failed to effectively challenge his opponent’s falsehoods.

Following the debate, calls for Biden to consider stepping down as the nominee grew louder, with some prominent Democrats expressing concerns about his capacity to win the election. However, Biden’s advisors dismissed any speculation about him dropping out, insisting that he is the nominee and will continue to lead the party.

As Democrats grapple with the fallout from Biden’s debate performance, the focus now shifts to how the party can rally behind their beleaguered leader and stem the damage caused by the event. With no scheduled debates until September, Biden faces an uphill battle to regain momentum and reassure voters of his ability to lead the party to victory in the upcoming election.

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