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Democrats Aim to Win Primaries by Promoting Democracy and Opposing Trump

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Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn, known for his clashes with former President Donald J. Trump’s supporters on and after Jan. 6, 2021, is now making waves in the political arena. Dunn, who has been catapulted to political stardom, was greeted like a celebrity at a campaign event in Annapolis, Md., where he is vying for a seat in the U.S. House.

Despite the warm reception, there was an undercurrent of skepticism among attendees at the Beacon Waterfront Restaurant. Some questioned Dunn’s legislative record compared to his opponent, State Senator Sarah Elfreth. However, Dunn made it clear that he is running to save what he sees as democracy on the edge, emphasizing the need for a fighter in this critical moment.

Dunn is not the only candidate rallying around the theme of “save democracy.” Across three Mid-Atlantic House districts, candidates are testing the strength of Jan. 6 memories and the appeal of this battle cry to Democratic voters. The rise of “save democracy” candidates like Dunn and Yevgeny Vindman, who gained fame during Mr. Trump’s impeachment, has reshaped the political landscape.

The celebrity factor has allowed these candidates to raise significant amounts of money, giving them a strong presence on the airwaves. However, with issues like abortion, guns, inflation, and immigration also at the forefront, their victories are not guaranteed, even in Democratic primaries where the threat to democracy is a key issue.

In the upcoming primaries, voters will have their say on candidates like Janelle Stelson and Mike O’Brien in Pennsylvania, and Harry Dunn and Yevgeny Vindman in Maryland and Virginia, respectively. These races will determine the future of the House members representing these districts and the direction of the Democratic Party.

The tension between celebrity candidates and seasoned legislators is evident in these races, with candidates like Dunn and Vindman facing off against more experienced opponents. The focus on saving democracy is a central theme, but other issues like women’s rights, abortion access, and economic concerns also play a significant role in shaping the candidates’ platforms.

As the primaries draw near, the competition is heating up, with candidates like Dunn, Vindman, and their opponents vying for the support of Democratic voters. The outcome of these races will not only impact the makeup of the House but also reflect the priorities and values of the electorate in a crucial political moment.

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