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DC-based friar claims that the peace of Jesus Christ will eliminate all anxiety and fear from our hearts

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The Peace of Easter: A Message of Trust and Surrender

In a world filled with uncertainty and fear, the message of Easter continues to bring hope and peace to those who believe. A Washington-based Dominican friar, Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P., recently shared insights on the importance of trusting in the Lord and surrendering to His will, as reflected in the Gospel of Luke.

Quoting Luke 24:38, Fr. Briscoe reminded believers of the words spoken by Jesus to His disciples, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?” This passage serves as a powerful reminder that God knows the secrets of our hearts and calls us to trust in Him at all times.

As a Catholic priest and Dominican friar, Fr. Briscoe emphasized the need for believers to confront their fears and rely on God’s strength rather than their own. He shared a personal experience of being accosted on the streets of Denver, where he had to rely on prayer and trust in Jesus to diffuse a tense situation.

Fr. Briscoe highlighted the peace offered by Jesus Christ as the one thing every heart longs for, a peace that the world cannot give. He encouraged believers to surrender to God and trust in Him, especially in times of trial and uncertainty.

Ultimately, Fr. Briscoe’s message is one of hope and reassurance, reminding believers that with their eyes fixed on Christ, they can withstand any challenge. As the Easter season continues to unfold, may the peace of Christ drive away anxiety and fear from our hearts, leading us to a deeper trust in the Lord.

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