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Criticism mounts as Biden administration reaffirms alleged Gaza refugee plans

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Republican Senator Blasts Biden Administration Over Alleged Plan to Accept Gaza Refugees

In an exclusive report by Fox News, Republican Senator Joni Ernst from Iowa is criticizing President Biden’s administration for allegedly ignoring her questions and concerns regarding a plan to consider taking in refugees from Gaza.

Ernst, along with 35 other Republican senators, sent a letter to President Biden earlier this month seeking answers after reports emerged that the administration was contemplating allowing refugees from Gaza into the United States. The senator expressed her worries about potential security risks and the administration’s response to the issue.

Despite the concerns raised by Ernst and her colleagues, the State Department responded to the letter by reiterating the administration’s efforts to assist U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their families in departing from Gaza during the conflict with Hamas. The response did not address Ernst’s specific questions about the number of refugees being considered for admission or the screening process for potential refugees from Gaza.

Ernst expressed her disappointment with the administration’s response, stating, “Instead, Biden is doubling down on his dangerous plan to welcome Hamas sympathizers to our homeland, despite the risk to American lives.”

The State Department assured Ernst that any individuals from Gaza seeking entry into the U.S. would undergo thorough vetting to ensure the safety and security of the American people. However, Ernst remains skeptical of the vetting process, citing concerns about the State Department’s ability to accurately assess the backgrounds of individuals from Gaza.

The White House did not provide a comment on the matter, and interagency discussions are ongoing regarding U.S. support for Palestinians in Gaza. The administration has already assisted over 1,800 individuals in leaving Gaza, with many of them coming to the U.S.

The controversy surrounding the potential acceptance of Gaza refugees highlights the ongoing debate over immigration and national security policies under the Biden administration. Senator Ernst and her Republican colleagues are calling for the administration to halt any plans to admit refugees from Gaza, citing concerns about potential security risks and the vetting process for these individuals.

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