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Crafting User Experience: Coinbits’ Approach to Bitcoin Personas

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Revolutionizing Bitcoin User Experience: Coinbits Unveils Bitcoin Personas

At Coinbits, a family-run bitcoin-only exchange, the team is dedicated to improving the user experience of bitcoin to make it more accessible to a wider audience. In their latest effort towards transparency and community engagement, they have released their product roadmap to the public. Now, they are excited to introduce another project from their Summer of Bitcoin initiative: Bitcoin Personas.

The Importance of Personas

Personas are fictional representations of target users that help development teams focus on the human needs of the people they are building products for. However, traditional personas have often been criticized for being high-investment projects with limited return on investment. Coinbits recognized the need to revamp their personas to ensure they were effective in guiding their product development process.

When personas fail, it is usually due to being too broad, lacking a character-driven story, including unnecessary details, or being too numerous to be useful. To address these pitfalls, Coinbits took a different approach to creating personas.

A New Approach to Personas

Coinbits believes that personas should be summaries of user research that involve the entire development team. By actively participating in user interviews, engineers, executives, and designers can build direct, empathetic connections with real users. This approach ensures that personas are not just created by a UX team and forgotten but are living documents that inform product development decisions.

Research Methodology

Coinbits conducted user interviews with 22 participants to gather qualitative data specific to U.S.-based customers. The interviews were conducted via video chat to observe participants’ facial expressions, body language, and environment. The conversations covered topics ranging from personal stories to financial goals and bitcoin usage.

By involving 2 to 4 team members in each interview, Coinbits ensured that the entire team had a deep understanding of their users. This collaborative approach to research laid the foundation for creating meaningful personas.

The Personas

Four personas were developed to represent different segments of Coinbits’ user base. Each persona includes an AI-generated image, demographics, personality descriptors, narratives, and favorite brands. These personas were created based on authentic user encounters and aim to make the users relatable and memorable.

By keeping the number of personas low and focusing on authenticity, Coinbits aimed to create personas that would resonate with the entire team and guide product development effectively.

Future of Bitcoin User Experience

Coinbits hopes that by sharing their research and personas, they can inspire others to contribute to making bitcoin more user-friendly. As the UX of digital payments continues to evolve, bitcoin has the potential to play a significant role in improving user experiences. By investing in product design and community engagement, Coinbits is paving the way for a more user-friendly bitcoin ecosystem.

To learn more about Coinbits App and get involved in the Bitcoin Design Foundation community, visit their website. By offering their research under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license, Coinbits aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts to enhance the user experience of bitcoin.

This project was a collaborative effort involving Tiffany Lee, Rachouan Rejeb, and David Waugh. The opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the author, Dave Birnbaum, and do not necessarily reflect the views of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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