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Considering Selling Some of My Apple Stock

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Apple has grown into an uncomfortably large position for one investor, prompting him to consider trimming his stake in the tech giant. With Apple comprising nearly 50% of his largest holding and 30% of his Roth IRA, the investor is contemplating a partial sale and potential exit strategy.

Despite Apple’s high exposure in his portfolio, the investor acknowledges the company’s strong performance over the years. However, concerns about Apple’s rising valuation and slowing growth have led him to consider taking action. With Apple trading at a premium valuation of more than 30 times forward earnings, the investor is wary of the company’s future prospects.

To capitalize on Apple’s recent stock price surge, the investor has decided to start writing covered calls on a portion of his position. This options trading strategy allows him to generate income through options premium while potentially locking in a higher profit if Apple’s stock price surges above the strike price at expiration.

While the investor remains bullish on Apple’s long-term prospects, he believes that a more patient approach to trimming his position could yield a higher sales price or additional income from a stock trading at an elevated valuation. By writing call options on some of his Apple shares, the investor aims to strike a balance between maximizing returns and managing risk in his portfolio.

Overall, the investor’s decision to trim his Apple position reflects a strategic approach to portfolio management in light of changing market conditions. As Apple continues to evolve and innovate, investors like him are adapting their investment strategies to ensure long-term success in an ever-changing market landscape.

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