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Conservative Leader’s Embrace of Far Right Sends Shockwaves Through France

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The political landscape in France has been shaken up by a surprising announcement from the head of the conservative party, Éric Ciotti. In a historic move, Ciotti called for an alliance with the far-right National Rally in the upcoming snap elections, breaking a longstanding taboo and causing turmoil within his own party.

This unprecedented call for an alliance with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally has sent shockwaves through the country, with many mainstream politicians expressing disapproval and concern. The move comes in the wake of President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the lower house of Parliament, leading to a scramble for power and organization among political parties.

The upcoming elections for the National Assembly, scheduled for June 30 and July 7, have taken on new significance with Ciotti’s announcement. With Macron’s party struggling and the far-right gaining momentum, the political landscape in France is more uncertain than ever.

Ciotti’s decision has been met with backlash from within his own party, with calls for his resignation from prominent figures like Gérard Larcher and Valérie Pécresse. The Republicans, a party with a long history in French politics, are now facing a major internal divide over the issue of aligning with the far-right.

The implications of this alliance, if formalized, could have far-reaching consequences for the future of French politics. It would mark the first time that France’s center-right conservatives have worked in tandem with the far-right, potentially making it more difficult for Macron to form a coalition after the election.

As the country grapples with economic challenges and social unrest, the debate over alliances with the far-right reflects a broader shift in European politics. The acceptance of once-taboo alliances and the rise of nationalist parties across the continent are reshaping the political landscape in ways that were previously unthinkable.

With just 19 days until the election, the race for power in France has taken a dramatic turn. The outcome of the elections and the potential alliance between the conservative party and the far-right will have a lasting impact on the future of French politics and the country as a whole.

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