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CNN analyst suggests Harris’ avoidance of press may be due to her ‘worst moments’ as VP occurring during live interviews

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Vice President Kamala Harris is facing mounting pressure to sit down for an interview with the media as she continues to avoid press conferences and one-on-one discussions. CNN political analyst and Axios national political reporter Alex Thompson revealed on Monday that Harris has been cautious about doing interviews because her “worst moments” in the Biden administration have come during live interactions.

Thompson pointed out that the key question is who Harris will choose to do the interview with – a friendly host or a serious in-depth interviewer. He emphasized that the format of the interview, whether it is edited or live, also plays a crucial role in Harris’ decision-making process.

Harris has gone 36 days without conducting an interview or a formal press conference since emerging as the presumptive Democratic nominee. This avoidance has raised concerns among some Democrats, with Thompson noting that almost all of Harris’ worst moments as vice president have occurred during live interviews.

Former presidential campaign adviser Matt Gorman acknowledged the importance of Harris doing an interview but also understood her hesitation. He highlighted that media prep is essential for candidates to refine their arguments and get sharper in their responses.

Meanwhile, Meghan Hays, who worked in the Biden White House, suggested that Harris should start with a morning show or a softer interview to ease into the process. She emphasized the need for Harris to take control of the media narrative before it snowballs into a high-stakes situation.

Despite declining an interview with TIME magazine, which offered her a glowing cover story, the pressure on Harris to engage with the media continues to mount. Thompson emphasized that any mistake Harris makes in an interview will be immediately seized upon by her political opponents.

As the stakes for Harris doing an interview continue to rise, the public and political observers eagerly await her next move in engaging with the media.

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