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Cirque du Soleil performer tumbles to the ground in front of Portland audience during performance

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Cirque du Soleil performer Mariia Konfektova suffered a terrifying fall during a live performance in Portland, Oregon, leaving the audience in shock. The incident, captured on video by 10-year-old Benjamin Goldstein, showed Konfektova slipping from a hoop while twirling above the stage at the Portland Expo Center.

Initially, some audience members thought it was part of the show, but soon realized something was wrong when they saw Konfektova hit her nose and bleed. The show, titled KOOZA, was briefly stopped, and Konfektova was immediately assisted and transported to the hospital for examination.

Konfektova, a Russian aerialist with a Guinness World Record, later reassured her fans on Instagram that she was “okay” following the fall. The audience was ushered out of the area but allowed to return after 15 minutes, although there was tension among the crowd following the incident.

The show’s spokesperson confirmed that Konfektova is recovering and being cared for by the medical team, emphasizing that safety is their top priority. The incident serves as a reminder of the risks involved in such performances, with factors like altitude, humidity, and equipment settings all playing a role in ensuring the safety of the performers.

Despite the scare, the show expressed gratitude for the concern and well wishes for Konfektova and hoped that the audience enjoyed the rest of KOOZA. The incident serves as a reminder of the dedication and resilience of Cirque du Soleil performers, who continue to push the boundaries of human performance in the face of adversity.

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