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Chinese bots are harassing the teenage daughter of a dissident

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Chinese Writer in Exile Faces Severe Online Attacks Targeting Teenage Daughter

Deng Yuwen, a prominent Chinese writer living in exile in the suburbs of Philadelphia, has been facing a barrage of crude and threatening online attacks from a covert propaganda network linked to China’s security services. The attacks not only target Mr. Deng but also his teenage daughter, who has been falsely portrayed as a drug user, arsonist, and prostitute on popular social media platforms.

Researchers at Clemson University and Meta have documented the disturbing campaign against the Deng family, with sexually suggestive and threatening posts appearing on platforms like X, Facebook, and TripAdvisor. The attacks, carried out by users with fake identities, have even extended to community pages and school accounts in their neighborhood.

Mr. Deng, who has been a vocal critic of China and its authoritarian leader, Xi Jinping, expressed his frustration in trying to combat the online harassment. Despite his efforts to delete the posts, new accounts continue to pop up with malicious content. The attacks have raised alarms in Washington and other countries where China’s intimidation tactics have become increasingly brazen.

The harassment of the Deng family is part of a broader campaign by China to discredit and silence critics, even those living outside the country. The Spamouflage network, as it is known, has been targeting dissidents and journalists abroad, including in the United States, with the aim of stifling dissent and influencing political debates.

While tech platforms like Meta have taken down accounts associated with the network, the attacks persist, leaving a lasting impact on the victims. Law enforcement officials in the U.S. have struggled to address the issue, as the perpetrators are based in China and outside the reach of American law.

The relentless online attacks on the Deng family highlight the lengths to which China will go to suppress dissent and criticism, even targeting a teenager in the United States. The international community is grappling with how to respond to these increasingly brazen tactics, with calls for a more aggressive approach to protect those seeking refuge from China’s repression.

As the Deng family continues to endure the online harassment, the case serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by Chinese dissidents living abroad and the urgent need to address China’s aggressive tactics in silencing critics.

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