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Broadcaster initiates legal proceedings against media regulator Ofcom

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GB News has launched legal proceedings against Ofcom, the media regulator, after a series of rulings against the channel for breaching broadcasting rules. The channel stated that Ofcom’s decisions “go against journalists and broadcasters rights to make editorial judgements in line with the law.” In response, Ofcom said they stand by their decision.

A GB News spokesman explained that they are challenging recent Ofcom decisions that they believe go against the regulator’s own rules and the principles of freedom of expression. The broadcaster emphasized that they will not allow the freedom of the press to be threatened.

Ofcom had previously announced that they were considering a statutory sanction against GB News for breaking due impartiality rules. This decision came after an investigation into a Q&A session featuring Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, where Ofcom found that the channel had not presented a wide range of significant viewpoints despite critical questions from the public.

GB News has been found in breach of Ofcom’s rules 12 times since its launch in 2021, with seven investigations still ongoing. These investigations include shows hosted by prominent figures like Nigel Farage, Dan Wootton, and Tory MPs Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, Esther McVey, and Phillip Davies.

In March, Ofcom warned GB News that repeated breaches could lead to a sanction. The channel remains steadfast in its stance against what it perceives as unfair treatment by the regulator and is determined to defend its editorial independence.

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