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Boost Men’s Energy and Vitality with These 6 Tips

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Men’s Health Month is shedding light on the importance of physical, mental, and sexual health for men of all ages. Surveys have shown that less than half of men consider their health to be excellent or very good, but experts say there are ways to improve energy and vitality.

Dr. Brynna Connor, a Texas physician specializing in anti-aging and regenerative medicine, explains that while aging brings changes in hormone levels and metabolism, it’s a misconception that nothing can be done about feelings of fatigue or a lack of energy. Hormonal imbalances, lack of physical activity, insufficient sleep, poor diet, unmanaged stress, and neglected health care are common reasons for declining health in men.

Experts recommend getting hormone levels checked, incorporating regular exercise, prioritizing quality sleep, maintaining a clean and nutrient-rich diet, managing stress, and seeking preventative care through regular check-ups with a medical professional.

For Men’s Health Month, doctors are sharing tips for men to improve their energy levels and overall vitality. By taking proactive steps to address these common health concerns, men can age gracefully and enjoy a higher quality of life.

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