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Blockchain Technology Poses a Challenge to Putin’s Inauguration

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The upcoming referendum in Moscow, led by opposition activist Mark Feygin, is not just another protest—it’s a tech-powered statement of dissent that could redefine the boundaries of free expression in Russia. Feygin’s weapon of choice is the Russia2024 app, developed using Rarimo’s Freedom Tool, which allows Russians to cast their votes under the radar of government scrutiny using blockchain technology and zero-knowledge cryptography.

The deployment of the Freedom Tool in Russia represents a pioneering example of how technology can safeguard privacy and uphold the integrity of expression in repressive regimes. The app’s sophisticated mechanics ensure voter eligibility while preserving anonymity, making it impervious to tampering.

Despite the promise of Russia2024, the Kremlin has attempted to stifle its reach through various tactics, including temporarily removing it from the Apple Store and orchestrating negative reviews. However, a whistleblower’s revelations have showcased growing support for the platform among the populace.

As Feygin’s referendum approaches, the world watches closely to see if technology can truly tip the scales in the fight for democracy. The outcome will not only test the efficacy of blockchain in political activism but also signal the potential for technology to reshape the landscape of free expression. Stay tuned for updates on this groundbreaking event.

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