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Bitcoin Startup Fully Committed to New Layer 2 Scaling Protocol

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Ark Labs Reveals Plans to Develop Bitcoin Layer-Two Network

In a groundbreaking announcement today, Ark Labs unveiled its ambitious project to bring the Ark concept to life by developing the Bitcoin layer-two network. The project, which has been in the works for a year, aims to meet the increasing demand for scalable and cost-effective Bitcoin payment solutions.

Marco Argentieri, CEO of Ark Labs, expressed his excitement about the progress made since the project’s inception. He stated, “After months of prototyping and proof-of-concept development, we believe Ark is ready to move to the next phase of its evolution, and we are thrilled to share this opportunity with the industry.”

The Ark network infrastructure operates on a trustless server, facilitating low-cost off-chain transfers among participants who choose to participate in the system. Despite its simple server-client architecture, Ark manages to achieve this without the usual trade-offs associated with non-custodial systems. Argentieri emphasized the protocol’s compatibility with Lightning and other sidechain solutions like Liquid, highlighting the potential for synergy between them.

Following a period of stagnation due to discussions surrounding covenants and other upgrades, Ark Labs is determined to push forward despite ongoing debates on future soft fork improvements. Argentieri emphasized the project’s readiness for implementation on both the Bitcoin network and the Liquid Network, with plans to launch applications or products later in 2024.

The team at Ark Labs, comprised of experienced Bitcoin developers, is currently focused on delivering a flexible implementation of the protocol to facilitate seamless integration of Ark services into various applications. By open-sourcing their implementation, they aim to encourage collaboration from other stakeholders to establish best standards and practices for the protocol.

While acknowledging the current immaturity of the infrastructure, Argentieri remains confident in the project’s potential to realize its original vision. He concluded, “We’re all in,” signaling the team’s unwavering commitment to bringing the Ark concept to fruition.

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