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Belgian Campus Protests Shift in Tone Amid War in Gaza

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Students at a Dutch-speaking university in Brussels have been leading a peaceful protest demanding the institution to cut ties with Israeli academia in response to the war in Gaza. The campaign, inspired by U.S. campus protests, has been characterized by daily demonstrations and slogans that some view as calling for the elimination of Israel.

Unlike the contentious and sometimes violent protests seen in the United States and Europe, the protest at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (V.U.B.) has been notably peaceful. This is attributed to a supportive political environment in Belgium, a proactive university leadership, strict protest rules, and a small Jewish community on campus that has chosen not to confront the protesters.

The university’s rector, Jan Danckaert, has engaged with the protesters and authorized their encampment while enforcing stringent rules. The students have focused on academic boycotts and scrutinizing the university’s partnerships with Israeli institutions. Responding to their demands, the university has already pulled out of one project with Israeli partners.

While some Jewish students at V.U.B. have expressed discomfort with certain slogans used by the protesters, they acknowledge the importance of free speech and dialogue. The university maintains that it does not support a general academic boycott and believes in engaging with critical voices within Israel.

The protesters emphasize that their goal is to end their university’s perceived complicity in what they label as a genocide in Gaza, not to spread hate against anyone. The demonstration at V.U.B. serves as a unique and peaceful example of student activism amidst a global wave of protests related to the conflict in the Middle East.

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