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Beijing offers pandas as a gesture of goodwill to mend relationship with Australia

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China’s Premier Li Qiang Offers to Send Australia Two New Pandas in Return of “Panda Diplomacy”

In a historic move, China’s Premier Li Qiang has offered to send Australia two new pandas during his visit to Adelaide Zoo. This gesture marks the return of “panda diplomacy,” a practice dating back to the Tang Dynasty, where pandas are sent as diplomatic gifts.

The new pandas will replace the zoo’s existing pandas, Wang Wang and Fu Ni, who have been hailed as “friendly messengers of China-Australia relations” by Mr. Li. He promised that the new pandas would be equally beautiful, lively, cute, and younger, continuing the cooperation through giant pandas between China and Australia.

This move comes as both countries aim to address outstanding trade and consular issues, with Mr. Li’s visit seen as central to improving bilateral relations. The relationship between China and Australia has been strained in recent years, with tensions escalating when former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison called for an international inquiry into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic in China.

Despite the challenges, Mr. Li’s visit to Australia has been seen as a positive step towards thawing the diplomatic rift. He emphasized the importance of mutual respect, seeking common ground, and mutually beneficial cooperation in building a stronger relationship between the two nations.

As Mr. Li continues his visit, he is set to meet with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Canberra. The meeting is expected to address key issues such as the removal of trade barriers and the release of imprisoned Australian democracy blogger Yang Hengjuno, who was given a suspended death sentence on espionage charges.

While differences still remain between the two countries, the exchange of pandas and the ongoing discussions during Mr. Li’s visit signal a potential turning point in China-Australia relations. As the world watches, the outcome of these diplomatic efforts could have far-reaching implications for both nations.

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