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Audit Confirms Publicly-Traded Bitcoin Miner Runs on 100% Renewable Energy

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Gryphon Digital Mining Leads the Way in ESG with 100% Renewable Bitcoin Mining

In a groundbreaking move towards environmental, social, and governance (ESG) leadership, Gryphon Digital Mining has announced that it is currently mining bitcoin with 100% renewable energy. The publicly-traded bitcoin mining company has made its commitment to sustainability public through a third-party audit that verifies its use of renewable energy sources.

Gryphon is setting a new standard in the industry by publishing its carbon emissions data and showcasing its dedication to sustainability. The company has partnered with CarbonChain, an organization that monitors corporate carbon emissions, to track its carbon footprint. According to CarbonChain’s recent report, Gryphon has used 100% renewable energy to mine bitcoin in 2024 and 98% renewable energy in 2023.

CEO Rob Chang emphasized the importance of transparency in the industry, stating, “We’re 100% renewable, and we’re showing you exactly how it’s calculated. And we’re not even the ones calculating it. It’s a respected third party doing it.”

Gryphon conducts its mining operations through a hosting contract with Coinmint at a facility in upstate New York that utilizes 100% hydroelectric power. This sustainable approach to mining not only benefits the environment but also has a positive economic impact on the region. Chang explained, “The existence of bitcoin mining is providing economic power deployment for the region, because it is actually a stable consumer of power that allows the economic delivery of more power to the area.”

Looking ahead, Gryphon is exploring opportunities to expand its operations into other jurisdictions that support bitcoin mining and offer favorable economics for mining with renewable energy. Chang stated, “If it’s economic and carbon neutral, we’re there.”

Gryphon’s commitment to sustainability and transparency is a significant step forward for the bitcoin mining industry. For more information on Gryphon Digital Mining, visit the company’s website.

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